Natural Hair Tips

There is nothing I wouldn’t say I like more than a black woman speaking about their natural hair in disgust. I love every kink and coil of my hair, and I believe we have been taught for so many years that our hair isn’t beautiful enough. Many believe it.  The truth is, there are quite

An Asthmatic’s COVID-19 Story…

Nothing could prepare me for contracting COVID-19. Not the news, not the article; no website nor anyone’s experience. It would be something I never forget or want to relive. So here is an asthmatic’s COVID-19 story… mine.  It started with a cough and slight wheezing. I believed that it was my asthma that was creeping

The Passionate Entrepreneur – Deandra Matherson

“Being an entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart,” Owner of DSM Events and Clip to Fit Deandra Matherson explains, but the truth is she would not have it any other way. Entrepreneur Beginnings Clip to Fit was her first entrepreneurial venture, a shoe accessory business.  Her mom was the inspiration as she needed