Grace is Not Just Something You Say Before a Meal: The Vital Role of Grace in Friendships 

As a woman, navigating complex relationships can be challenging, and understanding the role of grace in our friendships is essential. As we grow older, we realise the importance of grace, which we might have missed in our younger days. Grace means showing kindness, forgiveness, and understanding even when it might not be earned. This can

Let’s take a Mental Health Journey

In a world that often demands perfection and masks vulnerability, it’s crucial to acknowledge the significance of mental health and the power of healing. As women, we navigate a unique set of challenges and expectations, making it essential to prioritize our well-being. Healing is not an overnight phenomenon but rather a profound and ongoing journey

Unraveling Toxic Relationship Patterns: Unlearning and Embracing Healthy Love

Love, like life, is a journey of self-discovery and growth. As women, we often find ourselves caught up in toxic patterns from past relationships, hindering our ability to build healthy connections. But fear not! Today, I invite you on a journey of unlearning toxic traits from previous relationships as I share my experiences and tips

You are Your Best Thing

Author Toni Morrison said, “You are your best thing.” That is one of the best quotes that can describe us as people of colour.  Growing up, I was not always the most confident. I have written posts about body image and how people police women’s bodies when they gain little weight. I have also written

Natural Hair Tips

There is nothing I wouldn’t say I like more than a black woman speaking about their natural hair in disgust. I love every kink and coil of my hair, and I believe we have been taught for so many years that our hair isn’t beautiful enough. Many believe it.  The truth is, there are quite

An Asthmatic’s COVID-19 Story…

Nothing could prepare me for contracting COVID-19. Not the news, not the article; no website nor anyone’s experience. It would be something I never forget or want to relive. So here is an asthmatic’s COVID-19 story… mine.  It started with a cough and slight wheezing. I believed that it was my asthma that was creeping