When you have a 2020 vision , it means that means you have perfect eyesight. For the year 2020 though I think that we need to make it the year to visualise our future. We are entering a new decade, and this is the time that we try to put things into perspective. So here are a few things that I think you should think about this month:

Who am I?

Whether you like to admit or not the response to this question changes, the person you were ten years ago might not be the person you are today. Your value system might have changed, your goals and passions too. So seriously sit down and ask yourself this question and respond honestly. What are your goals? What are your desires? Are you where you want to be? Take some time to figure this out. 

For Christians, this is usually a time of fasting for them. Now is when they get everything into perspective and try to refocus on God. There is just something about the New Year that says reset. 


Am I happy?

Now you might go through the who am i section and be please, and you might be depressed because you might have seen yourself further. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. However, you cannot have a 2020 Vision, if you do not even ask the question if you are happy? How do you know if you are on the right path if you are so busy to see if you are enjoying the ride? 

You need to ask yourself, am I happy, and if not, you need to find out why. Sometimes you need help with this, and there is nothing wrong with that. You might be depressed, and you do not know where it started, why it has, and what exactly is causing this overwhelming urge to cry or move forward. You might feel stressed seeing other people build out their vision boards, and you do not even know where to begin. There is nothing wrong to seek a psychologist for your depression, or a life coach to give you perspective on your career. 

We tend to feel like asking for help is a sign of weakness. Truth is not asking for help is a sign of ego and pride, and that is where the real fault lies. 


Vision Board/List

Now I have never created a vision board, and I am thinking of doing one this year. But I have made lists of my plans, and that is usually short term. You can’t pursue the future if you do not plan for it. So do not make fear cause you not to expect. Also do not only place career goals. You are more than your job and career. Have where you want to travel and when. Say if you want to get married, if you want to go skydiving if you want to own your own business and even the age you possibly wish to retire. Be realistic and at the same time, do not be discouraged if it does not happen the exact time you allotted. Still work towards it.


Don’t feel obligated to make a spectacular vision board; have a vision. 


Be authentic

Be true to you. Life is short, and it might be not very easy at times. Sometimes you might feel like you need to tone down for others but be proud of who you are. You will feel better every day for it. XOXO!


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