It’s finally here – Jo. V Beauty Rejuvenating Scalp Serum.

The back story!

Growing up, I had always had eczema of the scalp; if I am honest, I had it everywhere. As I grew older, I started to do my research. What can relieve eczema, and what stimulates growth. My hair was always long, but it could always be longer.

I had tried many things before, and the more things I tried, the more things I found out I was allergic to – mineral oil and sulfur, just to name a few. So I decided to make something beneficial to me. My first go was pretty good. I did modify it, though. Tea tree oil, although highly recommended, especially as an anti-inflammatory, I found to be too harsh.

I swapped the tea tree oil for peppermint oil. It did not affect my sensitive skin. I remember having flaking the scalp to the point that I could peel my scalp like a snake shedding skin. Ever since I started using my mixture, I have not had that issue. I have minimal flaking if I don’t use it for a week. Admittedly I get a little delinquent when my scalp gets relief.

How it began!

I started to share my products with close friends who went through the same plight. I began to become a hair fanatic. Understanding natural hair, not only my own, became important to me. From hair care to skincare, I started to research some natural ways to enhance these elements.

My friends eventually started to nudge me to put this out on the market. I had tried making products before, but it was on a whim. It made me nervous. I wanted to get it perfect. I wanted to have my scalp serum, my face serum, my body butter all out.

Then COVID hit, and finances were not the same, and I was unsure if it made sense. But admittedly, my friends were in my corner. My sister was also adamant that I go after what I want. So I decided to take baby steps. Hence the Rejuvenating Scalp Serum.

Where it’s at!

I created the logo, the labels and the birth of Jo. V Beauty is here. Now I have bottled my first batch of Scalp Serum. It doesn’t matter what your hair type or porosity is. It is created to reduce flaking and relieve itching. Having a healthy scalp is just the beginning to having healthy hair – irrespective of length.

So feel free to contact me at @jo.vbeauty on Instagram. Please note, I am no doctor or dermatologist, so this is not a cure or replacement for anything medical that your doctor recommends. If you have severe eczema or any skin condition, seek your physician.
Have a wonderful day, XOXO!

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