The Bang

Omg, I did it! I did something that I never imagined doing ever, bleaching my hair!

My hair has always been something that I expressed myself through. I wanted to do something dramatic but too shy to do it, so I cut bangs. I wanted to feel mysterious; I dyed it jet black. I wanted to feel edgy; I shaved the sides and put parts in it. Now I just wanted a change and feel alive, and I bleached it.

I have always prided myself on understanding my hair. But now, this has become an entirely new journey, and I have to relearn what products work and which does not.

Bleaching your hair changes your porosity completely. At first, I was excited to say that everyone was wrong because my hair doesn’t feel as dry as everyone warned me it would. BUT the dryness eventually came, and I find that my haircare routine has changed a bit.


New Routine

  1. I find myself washing my hair once or twice a week. Unusually at this length, since I am growing it back, I would opt for a once a week wash day, but my hair really, really loves the water now, so wash day has become more frequent.
  2. Protein treatment – I would miss out on a protein treatment hair or there before. But not now. There is no room for error when you have shocked the strands of your hair, and they are rebelling against you.
  3. Scalp Treatment – initially, I did it a bit more frequently because I was not sure how the bleaching would affect my actual scalp. I took a considerable risk, and I wanted to ensure that all my work these couple of years to control my eczema did not go to waste. I am back every other day or 3 days per week.
  4. Moisturising daily – My original porosity was medium. So I could go a day or two without moisturising. Not anymore, especially if my ends are out. My porosity has changed to high, so the need to hydrate more frequently is integral to prevent breakage. Once my hair is hydrated, it does feel soft and is very malleable. But I moisturise twice daily now, in the morning and at nights,
  5. I find myself styling my hair with more protective styles to keep my ends in. But of course, I still have a great head of hair, so my twist out is still my favourite style. Side note: I finally tried the three-strand twist out, and it is there is not going back to two for me. not at all

Strawberry Blonde

A Bold Step

When it comes down to it, I am relearning what works for my hair, but I am glad I took the risk. I will like to take a few more bold changes, not limited to my hair, and I am checking them off my bucket list one by one.

It is funny how something like hair colour can give you a boost. But change has to start somewhere.

Tell me what would you like to change.
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