Nothing could prepare me for contracting COVID-19. Not the news, not the article; no website nor anyone’s experience. It would be something I never forget or want to relive. So here is an asthmatic’s COVID-19 story… mine. 

It started with a cough and slight wheezing. I believed that it was my asthma that was creeping up on me. My allergies were affecting me for the previous few weeks. It was not strange for my asthma to be triggered by my allergies; that’s what I assumed. So I treated it like any other chest congestion, two pumps of my Ventolin inhaler. But two days, my asthma was feeling worst than ever before. My chest was tight, my joints ached, and I just felt so exhausted. 


This did not feel like just asthma. If chick-v and asthma had a baby, that is how it would have felt. I am not going to pretend like the idea of COVID-19 did not come to mind. But I did not have a fever, and while I had a cold, I never lost my sense of smell nor taste. Even with news of the bearer from work having the illness, I was in a state of denial because my symptoms did not look like anyone else’s. I had no fever. I got nebulized and flu medication. My doctor advised me to keep her posted on my recovery to ensure that the symptoms did not escalate. But they did escalate. 

While no fever came, my body was constantly washed with cold sweats. I could not hold down any food, and the only thing I wanted was tea. That was a clear sign that something was wrong because tea was never something I liked or craved. To this day, my family and friends watch me in complete disdain as I leave my tea until it gets to room temperature before scarfing it down with one big gulp. My mother would say, “Jody drinking the tea cold is defeating the purpose.”

To which I would respond, “It is warm, mom”. 

But now, with only the four walls of my home as my spectators, I sipped the hot ginger turmeric tea barely sweetened. Something was wrong. I would try to stand, and the walls would look like they were swaying like branches of a tree in the wind. The place is spinning. I told my doctor, and she recommended that I did the COVID-19 test. 

The Test

I was terrified of having my nose swabbed. The idea of having something going that far back was intolerable. Having experienced quite a few nosebleeds in my lifetime, is one of the few reasons that I am sensitive about my nose.  My friend who had recently gotten over the virus took me to the Rapid Testing Centre Jamaica. I did the test, and 38-minutes from my testing, I received the email. Panic set in, and when I saw the file black, they had advised me that if I tried to check it on my phone without downloading, it would appear blank. They sent me a WhatsApp, and there it was in all caps: POSITIVE. 


The fever never came. I never lost my sense of taste. While I was feeling ill, but it attacked my asthma. 

The symptoms I did have was nausea. I threw up everything that I ate and even blood. Yes, blood. There were nights that the fear of sleep overwhelmed me. I was unable to breathe. It was like clockwork; your inhaler works until 4pm. But as the night came down, my lungs would tighten, and no inhaler would ease the tension. Fortunately, I had a home nebulizer. After spending thousands on medication, I injected the medicine as prescribed in the designated area and placed the mask over my face. Then I would lay down. Not because I was tired. Since I was a child, the side effect I had for being nebulized is jitters, trembling and lightheadedness. 

There was also a loss of appetite. I never felt hungry. I had to time myself and force myself to eat, and my body kept rejecting it. 

The coughing also did a number on my chest. 

Then there was the pain. I never expected that one. Every joint in my body ached. I always struggled with migraine, but the headaches I had were so bad that even the tears that escaped my lids in frustration hurt. 

What I went through is something that I would never wish on my worst enemy. Because if I am, to be honest, there were points that I never thought that I would be able to be making this or any other blog post again. 


I tried a few home remedies, eventually.  Drank so much vervain that if I was in an episode of Vampire Diaries, not even the likes of Damon Salvatore or Klaus Mikaelson could compel me. Started to religiously take my vitamins, something I admittedly am a delinquent with. 


Family and friends support was unwavering. The countless check-ins. Food drop-offs. I  genuinely have surrounded myself by a terrific group of people.


Our lifestyles have changed so much with COVID. I know that it is uncomfortable. Depressing even as I personally have found it harder to battle and monitor my anxiety. So I understand this discomfort. The government can only do so much. This disease is killing people. Some people contract it and are unaffected, but your family member might not be that lucky. Wear your mask. Stop partying. Do whatever it takes to protect yourself and the ones you love. Let’s be responsible. XOXO

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