“It’s never too late to be what you might have been,” – George Elliot.

Change is inevitable, but we tend to slip into this comfort zone of self and what we should be after a certain age and point in our lives. But George Elliot said it best in his quote “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” Not every change is appreciated, but it is inevitable with growth. There can be no growth if you are always in the same place. 

We have to understand that not everyone will appreciate and understand the change while it is occurring. There are people you surround yourself with that will try to deter you from that change because they just do not understand it. Do not hold it against them. People tend to not understand the difference that they are not a part of, and it does not mean that they are bad persons, it just means that you have to set boundaries with them during the process. 

So while we get to plan what 2021 might look like for us and we might be planning specific changes in our lives, whether it be our image, self-care practices or career, here are few things you must consider:


  1. There will be fear: Change is scary, and it does not mean that it is wrong. With life-changing decisions, there will be fear. You are going to ask what people will think? What if this change does not work out? But the question you should ask is what if it works out to make you happy. What if you never try, would you be ok with living your life having never tried and being complacent? Fear is not unique to you. Do not let it cripple you from growing. 
  2. It will be difficult: No, it will not be easy. No change is. When you are growing a plant, don’t you trim the branches to grow full and lush. Some sacrifices will need to be made, and it will be hard. There are times you will feel like giving up, but it will be worth it in the long run. 
  3. People may not understand: Do not take it personally. None of us particularly like things that we cannot control, and the first thing that comes to people’s mind when they think you are changing is that your relationship might. So your friendship now feels like it is out of their control. While you do not need to explain yourselves, you can reassure them that you are growing and you still care, but this is best for you at this time. A true friend will be supportive even if they do not understand. If they do not, you have to be secure in yourself and know that you have to take specific steps alone. This is not about them, it is about you. It is about what is essential to your growth. The one thing you should not do is let their opinions deter you from your development. This is not their journey, it is yours. You are responsible for your future, and you need to take the best steps for you. 
  4. Be realistic: If you are making a career change, you should be realistic in your plans. For example, if you want to be an entrepreneur, don’t quit your job without a plan. Start small. Do not make rash decisions because of emotions and frustration. Think about what you truly want and the steps you need to take to get it. Sometimes slow and steady is better to ensure that you never have to look back. So in everything be patient and realistic.


Change is inevitable to ensure that you are doing it for the right reasons and without fear. Never think that it is too late to start. XOXO


You can listen to my podcast Beyond Skin Deep with Jody-Anne Vanessa hear What will Self-Care look like for me in 2021!


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