For all the lover’s out there that celebrate Valentine’s Day! Happy Valentine’s Day! If you are not in a relationship, Happy Valentine’s Day to you too.

All My Single Ladies

Now this post is for singles! Yes, there is no beau and that is OK. It just is not your time yet and you have not found that special someone to share that intimate side of you. It will happen but in the meantime you should take the time to show yourself some love. 

I am not being ridiculous. 

Life happens. Far too many of us do not do enough self care or self love and find ourselves stressed and overwhelmed. It is when our body shut us down through illness after being burnt out we decide to take some rest. Most times we just take a break to recuperate and go straight back into work mode and not take a moment  to really get well emotionally and spiritually. 

Tips for the Day

So for Valentines day I challenge you to take make you a priority! Here are five things you can do:

  1. Make it a girls night:

    You might have one or two other single friends. Go out to dinner. Take each other out on a date. Have drinks, chat and laugh a little. Put on an outfit that will give you confidence and make you feel beautiful.  Bring out the best you and have a great night with friends. 

  2. Pamper yourself:

    Going out might not be your thing and that is OK. When was the last time you did a “mani-pedi”? When was the last time you got a massage? Treat yourself to a relaxation period. Put in your earphones and listen to some music. Have a relaxing experience and dedicate that hour or so to you and shut yourself off from all social media, it will still be there later. You will be surprised how refreshed you feel after. 

  3. Read a Book:

    You remember that book that you have been trying to read for the last month. Pick it up and get to reading. Catch up on your “me time”. This is absolutely important and you will be grateful that you did. 

  4. Netflix and actually chill:

    Catch up on that series that you have fallen back on. Watch your favourite movie. It really does not have to be specifically Netflix but just relax watch something of your liking. Put your foot up. Get some incense from earth elements and enjoy the aroma therapy. Chill! 

  5. Tell yourself “I love you”:

    it might sound silly but it really does a lot for self love and appreciation. Write down 5 things you love about yourself, it could be something as small as your smile to something as important as your organizational skill. It does not matter. Sometimes, we are so busy trying to make ends meet and pay the bills, dream chasing and working ourselves to the bone that we don’t even notice our strengths. We only see where we want to be and not yet achieved. Failure takes the forefront especially if we recently had a break up close to this holiday. Time is not taken to see what we have truly accomplished. We do not take the time to show ourselves love. Take the time to really appreciate you, your growth no matter how small you think it is. You are worth it. 

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”

– Lucille Ball

Happy Valentine’s Day! XOXO

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