When people decide to do a big chop to return natural, I am always cheering them on. I recommend it instead of transitioning. After doing somewhat of a big chop myself last year, I realised that there were a few things that I think you should know before doing a big chop. (I still recommend it but acknowledge it is not for everyone). 

Let me break it down in stages:

New Woman

Tapered. 2018 Birthday Shoot by Fernandez Barrett.

The first thing you feel is like a brand new woman. I know for me, I felt like I gained an edge. It gave my confidence. I realised I had beautiful cheekbones. While I liked combing my hair in a bun, I also loved a proper twist out, because I always relied on it when I wanted to feel more confident. With the big chop, I could not rely on my hair for that feeling, and I did not have to. 


The maintenance was the best thing in life. Wake up and wash my hair then style with my TGIN Twist and Define Cream by merely running it through my hair, and I was done in about 20 minutes. A wash and go was the easiest thing to otdo style your hair. (By the way, I do not believe long hair is hard to manage.)


The Initial Growth

You have a growth spurt, and you get excited. Especially if you are like me and had initially cut it because you wanted to grow back your hair healthy. Seeing how quickly you get these initial inches -grow will be very fulfilling


Middle Growth not Middle ground


So you know when you are in a relationship you are told that you need a middle ground. But this is hair and not a relationship. So there is no middle ground. There is an intermediate length which is funny enough one of the lowest points of growing your hair. This middle growth is different for every individual. It might not be the same length.

But there will be a length between your short hair and your goal length that will drive you crazy. I mean it will either make you feel like cutting it again or processing it if you have straightened your hair before. My main problem was that I could not afford to have a lazy day. When it was short, it took little to no maintenance. Even with minimal styling, it was cute. When my hair was long, I could throw in some big twists and catch it in a top knot and care zero for the week.  

I have accepted that I needed to braid my hair. Something I never thought that I would never do. But it has its place. It has become a saving grace to me.


I do miss having a sleek bun

It is fantastic when you reach a length where you can style the hair. You can twist it or comb it in one. Well, that is my ideal goal. However, what people do not tell you is that goals change. 

My sister did the big chop, and now she is on a ‘loc’ journey. No rule says you have to go through the journey and try for long hair. NOPE! 

Natural hair is fun. Do not compare it with others. It is ok, if you do the big chop with all intentions to grow it out and you change your mind because you love short hair. That is completely fine. Get to know and love your hair at every length and do not be rigid to have it bra strap length or mid-back. Because everyone’s hair grows at different speeds and rates. And the minute you keep the expectation that it needs to be at this length. You won’t enjoy the process. 

The worst thing you can do is expect your journey to be the same as someone else’s. So you end up feeling defeated if it did not grow as fast or if your curl pattern just isn’t the same. Like life every journey is different and the same is your hair journey. No two is exactly the same. Some similar but not identical.

So just enjoy your hair. XOXO


If you want hair tips feel free to email me at jodyannewebsite@gmail.com. Remember to subscribe here
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Facebook: Jody-Anne Vanessa


My current length. I can have somewhat of a pineapple. But no bun or big twists with top knots

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