I decided to return to my roots today. To something that I have always loved, but I hardly do lately – writing poetry. It has always been a way of expression for me. 

In a life where everything can be so stressful and overwhelming, we must find our place. We must seek that space or that thing that even gives us a glimpse of happiness and a moment of peace. 

My Reality Check

Speaking to my brother this afternoon, I realise that this state of overwhelm is not something unusual. But I recognised one fact, I needed to get a familiar release. Whether it be by sliding my fingers over the keys of this laptop, watching letters coming together to express my very thought or to feel the page taking the pressure placed on my pen to explain my emotions fully. 

My problems have not escaped me. They are far from being solved. I maybe have shed a few tears as I did my best to let go of each emotion. But I will admit, even if it is for 5 minutes to the next 24 hours, I have gotten a break from my mind. 

Think About it

I am sharing this post with you, telling you that if you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious or like myself wake up in the middle of the night from raging panic attacks on occasion, you need a break. Now medically, maybe you might need a counsellor, and that is fine. (I’m not a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist I cannot diagnose nor treat depression)

I believe if you are not as happy as you are used to or would like; you need to take a minute to remember what you love and do it. You might not be able to do it every day. This might not even be a creative outlet. It could be listening to a podcast, jogging or meditating. Just find time to do it. You have one life, and while we work hard to make ends meet, to provide for ourselves and our family. We also need to find the time to remember to be happy. It should not take a reminder, but more often than not, we are just living and forget to choose happiness. Find your joy. XOXO

I haven’t shared in a while but here goes:

Above Water

There are days like these that hit the most
When the voices in your head seem louder
When they become like drums on your nerves
Red eyes
Fiery Light You try to escape it in the abyss of a dream
But thoughts flood in
Yes, you are drowning as your subconscious thoughts pour into your lungs
with such pain and force it
It burns as though it is filled with water
You jump up trying to get your head above this phantom water
Life and indecisions that have been chasing you through reality and fiction.
But you must win
You must let go of the things you cannot change
And feel the liberation of your soul as you slowly find yourself above water

  • Jody-Anne Vanessa

photo by my cousin @wruelr on instagram

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