These days everyone is a self-proclaimed something – a self-proclaimed life, coach, financial adviser and food expert. I will admit some people have a knack for helping an individual to get themselves together whether they are trained or not, but when it comes to your health and eating habits, Facebook and Instagram influences are not the ones who should be giving you expert advise on weight-loss and how to eat. 

Here are a few reasons why:

  1. An example of a healthy eating social media postBody types – I am not talking about curves and shapes now. Everyone’s body has its specific needs. Nutritionists/Dietitians who are trained know exactly the questions to ask and the tests to take to tell you what you need to be your ideal healthy self. Not everyone is going to be a size two, and you need to understand that. And not all size 12 are grossly unhealthy. There are many factors to weight-loss that a trained professional needs to tell you. 
  2. Medical history – most of these individuals means well. They are telling you things that have actually been proven and worked for them. But sometimes we have to know our medical history. Illnesses that we may have had like cancer. If you are now cancer-free but overweight, you cannot just go around doing a crash diet like the average person. If you are diabetic, not because you are eating ground provision means it is healthy for you. You need to know what is right and healthy for you. The only one who can fully determined to do that is someone that is trained to do so, 
  3. Lifestyle – yes! Your job and how active you are might mean you need more protein or less. If we don’t eat, we die. But sometimes what and how we eat can kill is as well if we are not careful. A diet is not a one-dimensional thing. It is not a free size dress that one size fits all. 


What do i know?

Meal prep examples the health coach wayI mean after all I am no nutritionist/dietitian. 

For full transparency, I will say I lost someone close and dear 

to my heart because someone who made a lifestyle change and lives by a specific diet felt the need to encourage this person to do this diet. They have worked with other persons whom this was effective for them. But for my loved one, they had a complicated history. So they lost their mobility and then their life because an untrained “health coach” did not do the research or know enough to advise this person on their diet correctly. Someone who was well-loved and had so much more to share with the world.

I am always in support of a healthy lifestyle, physically and mentally and believe that their needs to be more people out there that assist people in getting on the right track. However, when it comes to health, it is no joke. It is literally life and death. Be careful what you put out there. 

Several Instagram Influencers give nutrition advice that I thoroughly admire because they always lead with…”I am not a nutritionist, and this is what works for me.” So you always know seek a professional opinion before doing this.

Please use wisdom with your advice. Readers, be responsible and do your own research before trying anything you learn on the internet. Let’s be smart about being healthy. XOXO!!

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