I am not the greatest at putting myself first in all situations. There are times that I even forget about myself completely and it is in the moment when i feel most drained that I realise how much I need to make more time for myself. So as a means of helping myself and others like me, I am writing this post as a reminder of the importance of self care.


This is something that is real and affects you in so many ways unimaginable at times. The root of anxiety is the inability to let go and live. The need to control every aspect of your life at all times. Sometimes it is due to a lack of faith and for me that is not a good sign. So I am too busy trying to plan what God has already written. You lose the ability to enjoy the taste of your favourite meal because you are eating because your body needs fuel and not because you enjoy the flavour. You lose the ability to be thankful for the small mercies.


Think freely

I don’t l know about you but I know that when I am stressed or overworked I make a lot of mistakes that I would not do usually. It is like my consciousness is blurred and I much rather do things once. To ensure that you are making the right choices ensure that you are healthy and rested enough to do so.


Great mental health

Many of us are walking around thinking that we are OK because we are not talking to ourselves or living on the street. Mental health is something that I believe Jamaicans take for granted. If you are overwhelmed, depressed, stressed, cannot sleep at nights – you might be struggling mentally in some way. So take a minute for yourself daily. Fifteen minutes to just breathe or catch up on a chapter is not wasting time, it is ensuring that you stay healthy mentally.


Physical health

I learned too well how stress affects you personally. For example my hair. Stress caused it to shed until I decided to cut it off. I also suffer from severe migraines, PCOS all which gets worst depending on how overwhelmed I am feeling. Your mental state affects your physical. Sometime we have some physical complaints that we can barely understand. Doctors maybe can’t explain. Physical illness respects no one, so kill it before it kills you.


A balanced lifestyle

I fail to believe that our lives should be spent grinding with only little sprinkles of happiness. I believe in working hard but I do believe that we need to take time out to enjoy what we love about this life we are living.


“An empty lantern provides no light. Self-care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly.”

– Unknown


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